Elementary grades –2 nd –5 th

Benefits of Yoga in School Curriculum

Research indicates that integrating yoga into the school curriculum can serve as a successful approach to enhancing students' self-regulation, mind-body awareness, and physical fitness. These benefits may contribute to the development of further social and emotional learning (SEL) skills and positive student results, including better behavior, mental well-being, health, and academic performance. Additionally, yoga offers students, regardless of their body size, shape, or physical capabilities, an inclusive and noncompetitive form of physical activity that is enjoyable and empowering.

Importance of Moral Education for Children in the Modern World

In today's modern society characterized by physical distance, nuclear families, and hectic schedules, children might miss out on the valuable informal moral education traditionally provided by grandparents and elders in the community. Recognizing this gap in upbringing, at DAV, we acknowledge the necessity of incorporating Moral Studies into our curriculum. Our aim is to instill virtues, principles, and ethical ideals in our students, shaping their characters and personalities for a better social future. Through discussions on their observations and media consumption, we guide children in distinguishing between right and wrong, reinforcing positive conduct. Furthermore, we encourage students to cultivate mutually beneficial relationships, strengthening bonds of companionship and respect among peers and elders. We aspire that through Moral Science studies, our young learners will be equipped to navigate negative influences, uphold moral standards, and champion integrity and fairness as they venture into the broader world.

Art Program at DAVMES

DAVMES offers an art program as an integral component of its curriculum. Engaging in drawing and painting aids students in enhancing their focus, decision-making skills, problem-solving abilities, sequencing, and developing hand-eye coordination. Students have the opportunity to explore various art mediums such as clay, charcoal, watercolors, oil paints, and Paper Mache, among others.

Benefits of Physical Education

Engaging in physical activity is closely linked to achieving academic excellence. DAVMES provides Physical Education classes from kindergarten to 5th Grade in collaboration with a coach, promoting a holistic approach to education.

Benefits of Music Education for Young Children

Research indicates that engagement in music classes by young children leads to enhancement in speech development and improved reading skills. Participation in music also plays a key role in the stimulation of the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for language processing and logical thinking. Furthermore, it aids in sound perception, facilitates the grasp of rhythm and patterns, and fosters the understanding of musical structures like rhyme. Exposure to music not only boosts critical thinking abilities but also nurtures creativity and enables the expression of emotions. At DAVMES, the music program, spearheaded by Ms. Smriti Srivastav, a seasoned music educator with over 32 plus years of experience in the United States, focuses on introducing students to the nuances of light classical music under her expert mentorship.
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